Kenny Loggins Saves The Day
Because life is an ongoing nightmare that only stops when we're dead, all of us will, at some point or another, come up against a challenge. One of those real piece of shit times in our lives that make us believe that whatever "it" is, will be too much to handle. The hurdle too high. The pain too great. And, its in these times that you have to dig real deep and find an external source to bolster your confidence. Something so incredible and so powerful that it will fill you to the brim with the strength you're lacking. It will make you feel like you're going to be able to take on anything that comes your way. It's your Excalibur. Your "Gummy Berry Juice". And for some folks, that external source comes from prayer or those ridiculous inspirational quotes found on Pinterest that for some reason are all attributed to Audrey Hepburn. But, for myself and many others, the source that has truly given me the strength to pry myself off the ground and have the motivation not to throw myself into the abyss in those really, really awful times, has been a fucking kick-ass song! And, I want to make this clear - I'm not talking about some motivational mix you use when you're pumping iron in the gym. Or wanting to set the mood to make sweet love to your baby boo. Nah, I'm talking about the kind of song that inexplicably comes on the radio at JUST THE RIGHT TIME, like it was sent from the heavens down to earth in order to fill you with a life force and sense of purpose that you were missing. Intense shit, ya know.
Now, in my life, shockingly, I haven't had to face many of the truly big, real "holy shit" moments. I think I've just had so many low-key awful things happening all around me for so long that I'm kinda used to "bad". The kinds of things that would probably be daunting to someone used to the sun shining and the birds chirping are just a normal day for this ornery old troll. I like to joke that in my past lives I must've been peripherally involved with someone really, really GRADE-A awful. Like I was the secretary to Pol Pot or Personal Assistant to Vlad the Impaler. And then in this life I worked for Harvey Weinstein so I'm already fucked for the next incarnation. Good times. But despite my history of being up to my knees in bullshit, even I've had a few experiences that really threw me for a loop.
The first time I remember this happening was with my college boyfriend. Picture it, Sicly. 1941. Kidding. It was Portland, Oregon in the year 2000. I was 20 years old and had been dating this dude for a a couple months during my sophomore year. He was tall and quiet and president of his fraternity. The last part drew me in, if I'm being honest. Because he was president of a frat that my sorority (haha, yeah I was in a sorority) L O A T H E D. I guess years before some dickheads broke some sorority sisters hearts and from that moment on, they were our mortal enemies. Made worse by the fact that our backyards faced each other, with only a dirty, rancid, millrace separating us. A millrace that, after a few drinks, we'd decide to climb into and fuck around in inflatable kids rafts, which would, inevitably, snag on a stick, or get bit by a feisty nutria, deflate, and leave us treading shit-water while a gaggle of #HotBoys (rightfully) heckled us. Anyway, I loved those dudes. I found them to be funny and low-key weird and actually, if you looked close enough, nice. In fact I'm still friends with many of them and their lovely wives. But, I didnt end up dating those dudes. Nope, dated this specific guy and, for the life of me, I cannot remember how we first met. It must've been at a frat party? I have NO memory of it. No crazy drunken adventure. Or the heavens parting and a sun beam shining down on his head. Nothing. I don't remember how he got my number. I don't remember anything. And I remember how I've met all of my other boyfriends. It's so weird. Our chemistry was so unremarkable, so nonexistent, I barely remember anything about our early days of dating. All I know is that he invited me to his barn dance at some point (which is a thing at Oregon where folks dress up like hillbillies and get wasted at a barn....which for someone from rural East Texas was basically my high school experience). So I went with him to his barn dance and then he went with me to my barn dance and I guess we started dating? I was so ambivalent to him. He was SO fucking vanilla. And I really wasn't attracted to him because I found him to be meek in a way that made me want to punch him square in the jugular. We did have a few things in common, though - we both loved his frat ( the dudes were like if you put 100 Stef's from Pretty in Pink in one building), his family (they were lovely), his big ol' dick, and obscure 90s R&B. I mean, obscure 90s R&B and a giant dong should be the deepest connection of all, but alas its not everything. As I learned. I think what it came down to with this guy, was that I didn't actually like HIM, I liked the idea of him. He might've been a big-dicked vanilla dud, but he was smart and steady and had a plan for the future. Unlike me, who always assumed I'd die before 30 and therefore I wouldn't need a "plan" or "goals". My bad. To be fair though, I don't think he liked me much either. He grounded me and I provided him with a personalty and big energy that entertained his friends. We were both parasites, sucking the other one of their lifeblood for our own gain, not much caring about their well being.
And, honestly, when you've got two people who should not be together, its just going to end badly no matter what. Unfortunately, our breakup came after around a year of dating, with me having plunged into what I like to call, "the summer of the gray sweat-shorts"... because thats what I wore every fucking day, sleeping for 18 hours like a cranky bear, only awaking around 11am for an hour or so to watch the magical soap opera, Passions. I would watch Passions, maybe Maurey Povitch, eat some food and then would return to my den to sleep away all the depression and self hatred and sadness that encompassed me. SUPER fun way to spend the summer. Quick aside, because I feel this is very important, Passions was the best soap opera ever and it featured a talking doll (played by a little person *insert grimace emoji*), A witch named Tabitha, The Lopez-Fitgerald family and a girl who was an actual angel. During my depression the only thing I truly cared about was Passions. Passions was my rock. My joy. My lifeblood. There should be more magical soap operas, in my opinion. They would make the world a better place.
So, while I was busy turning into a living Mummy, my boyfriend had moved to Portland make some money before starting Law School the next year. He got a job managing the lone Abercrombie in Oregon. Now, I realize this may not seem like a big deal now, but Abercrombie was very cool in 2000, and they were notorious for hiring only attractive people. This went to my boyfriends head. Big time. I would basically rouse myself from my depression and go to visit him on days he wasn't slinging polo tops with moose embroidered on them and really, really potent cologne. And thanks to my depression, shit as simple as bringing the wrong cardigan for the weekend (mama loved her a cardigan) could throw me into the depths of despair. Sometimes it would feel like my shoes didnt fit right and I'd be inconsolable. I was miserable and I can fully admit, it was not fun to be around me during those days. At all. My energy was awful. I felt awful. I was awful. But, I was also wildly depressed and trying out new meds. So. I dunno, I don't feel like I deserved to be dumped the way I was - but such is life and shit happens in ways we don't agree with. In this instance, I had gone up to visit my boyfriend so we could go to the D'Angelo concert (Voodoo Tour - you know the one album - it had the video that was basically a closeup on D'Angelo's cum gutters? It made me v v v horny). Anyway the concert as expected was fucking AMAZING. But, I was in a bit of a funk and despite turning my frown upside down (how can you not when you witnessed THIS in real life), the damage was done. I could tell my boyfriend had hit the wall in regards to my antics and he was big time pulling away. So, after the concert, we went back to his house and had sex. Because what else do you do when you're sensing a storm on the horizon. Just really dig deep and fuck it ALL up. Immediately after the lackluster act, I shit you not, he rolled over, propped himself up on his elbow, looked me dead in the eyes and said: "Morgan, you're always broke, you've gained so much weight and you don't stand for anything. I don't want to be with you anymore. I'm dating Kasey". And at that moment the pressure was sucked from the room. And I laid on my back as the tears came and didnt stop and I just stared up at his light fixture, on his ratty ass mattress he had on the floor, thinking - this would NEVER happen to Pilar Lopez-Fitzgerald on Passions. And yet there I was. It didn't matter that he was right in a way, that we shouldn't be together, because he chose the most cold and vulnerable time to say the cruelest things to me. Things that cut me to the quick - as I was laying there naked - and embarrassed and hurt. And the girl he was dating? He worked with her at Abercrombie, which meant she was a known attractive person. Also, I had given her a ride home a few times when I went to pick my ex up. I was so dumb and numb and caught totally off-guard by it all. And then he told me I needed to leave. Immediately. So, I had to get in the car, a hysterical mess, and make the 2 hour drive back to Eugene. When I say I was hysterical, I mean, I was doing that cry thing that I've been known to do, where it sounds like there's a wounded animal, dying a slow and very painful death. I am not a pretty or delicate cryer. I make Claire Danes cry-face look like a fucking walk in the park. I looked feral and scary and utterly destroyed. And I felt like I had no defense to the things he said. I was broke. I had gained weight. I guess I didn't stand for anything? I don't remember much of the drive back in the pitch black night. I just remember convulsing with sobs so hard that I had to pull my car over onto the shoulder. I was devastated and the dark of the night felt like it would never be light again. All the depression and bad shit I was already feeling about myself was made real. It wasn't just my body chemistry betraying me, the person I trusted and was intimate with felt the same way too. And I couldn't see how to go forward with anything if I was such a piece of shit.
And then, because sometimes the Lord works in mysterious ways, outside of Albany, Oregon - right when you pass by that Pulp Mill that smells like rancid farts, I decided to turn on the radio. And exactly when I turned it on, when I need it most, - Kenny Loggins' 80s banger "THIS IS IT" started. I realize this sounds so stupid, but I swear to God, when Kenny started singing (with McDonald providing smooth backing vocals) and I listened to the lyrics.....I was able to catch my breath for the first time in hours. I stopped gulping for air between sobs and my body quieted. And I listened to him sing:
(You say that maybe it's over)
(Not if you don't want it to be)
For once in your life
Here's your miracle
Stand up and fight
(This is it)
Make no mistake where you are
(This is it)
You're goin' no further
(This is it)
Until it's over and done
(No one can tell you what you know)
Whoa-oh-ho, whoa-aaah
(Who makes the choice of how it goes)
It's not up to me this time
(You know)
Comes a day in every life
And in that moment, I felt my strength surge back with the passion of a thousand Pina coladas. Kenny's falsetto hit notes so high they penetrated my soul and shot laser beams of light and love out of every pore in my body. I felt seen. I felt heard. Kenny UNDERSTOOD me. I stopped crying. Kenny didnt want me to cry. Kenny wanted me to sack the fuck up and face the reality I was living and to be a fucking strong ass woman! I went from feeling like I didn't deserve feel anything good ever again, to realizing what an enormous dick-bag my ex-boyfriend was. I mean, what sort of sadistic shit fucks his girlfriend and then immediately tells her she's fat broke and a loser and then says "leave"? A GIANT FUCKER, THAT'S WHO! And who cares if you've got a monster dong if you don't even know how to use it, you fucking loser! Kenny helped me find my strength and my voice. And when I walked back into my place in Eugene, my roommate Jenny was there with her mom who was visiting. Her mom, who is wonderful and lovely and also a real character, heard my tale of woe and, very seriously said to me, "I'm gonna shoot his balls off". I still don't know she was joking and its some of the hardest I've ever laughed. Thank God for Kenny Fucking Loggins and Jenny's Mom.
Recently, my "THIS IS IT" moment, has been more subtle. This past year and a half has been one big Lemony Snickett Series of Unfortunate Fucking Events. Just one thing after another, and while I've tried to laugh them off as best I could, holy shit has it been hard. And then the winter - the seemingly never-ending Vermont winter. That almost did me in, man. I barely made it. If I could've found back episodes of Passions, I wouldve stayed in bed all day watching them like the summer of gray sweat-shorts. But I got through the Winter, and made it out the other side and I'm coming up on a year in Vermont. But I'm still trying to figure out what to do with myself. And its a horrible feeling when you're coming up on 40 and are single and definitely not mingling and you have no career now. That thing you did and thought you'd be doing? Nope. Can't do that anymore. So you feel more stuck than you ever have. And panicked. Because what the fuck are you supposed to do with your life now? And your womb looks like a ghost town with giant tumbleweeds rolling through, and you feel lonely and weird and like maybe nothing will ever make sense. So, I searched for jobs back in California and New York and due to salary restrictions and various other logistical issues, I had to turn down some jobs. And then my landlord was like, yo we gotta know if you want the house this next year again....and I #freaked. So, last weekend I did the thing where I drive up into the hills, sit down by a babbling brook and pray that the Universe will give me some sort of fucking sign to let me know what I'm supposed to do. And it was there, by the brook, looking at the green leaves and bumble bees and thinking about my favorite ponies up the road, that my iTunes shuffled and started playing Kenny Loggins, "This is It". And I started laughing, because it reminded me of Jenny's mom threatening to blow off my exes nards. But then, I stopped laughing and realized the Kenny, my Lord and Savior, was giving me another sign. Just when I needed it most. And he was reminding me that just because I feel a bit trapped, with my back in the corner, this is when I square my shoulders and face my reality. I cease being scared and fight for the things I need in my life. Friendship and art and quiet and loveliness and those ponies that bring me so much joy. And staying here isn't a bad thing.
And I think this is the most important thing I realized, sitting by the creek: Back in 2000 after my Kenny Loggins moment, I did get my strength back. But, I also acted a fool shortly after, got back together with my ex and had an even WORSE breakup two years later. One where, after trapping me in his apartment, zonked out of his gourd on Vicodin from a nose break, he proceeded to tear me, my friends, my family and every fucking thing that mattered to me apart. But, I made it out of there ok. I stood up for myself. I knew that he was blitzed and in pain and wanting to make me feel bad, too. And because I had gone through it before, I knew I'd get through it again. And I think, as I sat watching the water slowly smooth all the rocks in its path, as it curved around bends and branches and through the summer sun, I knew that my path will not be without issues here. Staying in Vermont isn't going to magically turn into the best part of Baby Boom (banging the Vet and making bank from quarts of apple sauce), but Kenny reminded me I've got the strength to stick it out. I've done it before and I can do it again. Kenny will be there to help me get back on my feet, but I've got my own ability to make it through and perservere.
It's like that Bible Poem says,
"When you saw only one set of footprints,
It was then that Kenny Loggins carried you."